Friday, 4 November 2011


Disks are grouped together in aggregates, these aggregates provide storage to the volume that they contain. Each aggregate has it own RAID configuration, plex structure and set of assigned disks or array LUNs. You can create traditional volumes or NetApp's FlexVol volumes (see below section on volumes).
There are two types of aggregate

32bit - Maximum 16TB
64bit - Maximum 100TB

A aggregate has only one plex (pool 0), if you use SyncMirror (licensed product) you can mirror the aggregate in which case it will have two plexes (pool 0 and pool 1). Disks can be assigned to different pools which will be used for hot spares or extending aggregates for those pools. The plexes are updated simultaneously when mirroring aggregates and need to be resynchronized if you have problems with one of the plexes.

You can see how mirroring works in the diagram below


Creating an aggregate: 

> aggr create aggr1 -t raid4 -r 10 -B 32 50

Aggregate name : aggr1 
 -t Specifes the raid type like (raid0,raid4 and raid_dp). The default raid is raid_dp 
 -B means 32 bit (ontap 7.x.x version will support 32 bit but 8.x.x will both 32 & 64 bit )

Creating an aggregate with manual disk: 

> aggr create aggr2 -d 8a.10 8a.11 8a.12 8a.13 8a.14 8a.15 8a.16 8a.18 8a.25

-d specifes the disk name for the new aggregate.

Increasing the size to an aggregate 

To increasing aggregate size, add disk to specfic aggregate

> aggr add aggr2 -d  8a..26

Adding the disk to the RAID group of the aggregate

> aggr add aggr2 -g rg1 -d  8a..29

Changing an aggregate RAID level from RAID4 to RAIND_DP

> aggr options aggr1 raidtype raid_dp


> aggr show_space aggr1


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  1. Dude... U can mention about the raid group in detail here....


      Please gothrough these link. any issue on that please let me know where u have doubt..

  2. what is 50 in the command aggr create aggr1 -t raid4 -r 10 -B 32 50

  3. aggr create aggr1 -t raid4 -r 10 -B 32 50

    Sir,what is 50 here ?
